Postpartum Therapy
Postpartum therapy is for women who are recently postpartum (after birth). This can include women that have recently suffered infant loss or for women in the trenches of learning to take care of a newborn. Postpartum therapy is designed to help you navigate the time after pregnancy and birth. The postpartum period includes the acute phase (6-12 hours after birth), the subacute phase (lasting six weeks) and the delayed phase (lasting six months or more). Alex typically works with women during the delayed phase of postpartum because this is when things have settled and women are seeking to find a new rhythm. It is important to remember that every woman has a unique experience with childbirth and the time after. Alex takes an individualized approach when working with postpartum women, understanding that this time is very vulnerable. Postpartum therapy is for women hoping to regain their sense of self, increase their self-confidence, or step into motherhood.
Postpartum depression and anxiety
Finding a “new normal” after pregnancy/birth
Exercise/nutrition concerns after pregnancy/birth
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Infant loss/stillbirth
Postpartum depression
Birth trauma (too many interventions at the hospital, baby born with broken bones/bruising or other health concerns, emergency c-section, painful or long labor, etc.)
Anxiety about parenting (“Am I a good mom? Am I going to screw up my kid like my mom did?”)
Anxiety about caring for a newborn (“Are they breathing? Are they eating enough? Am I doing this right?”)
Breastfeeding anxiety or difficulty
Lack of energy/motivation
Excessive bleeding after birth
Any challenge post pregnancy/birth
Peace with the past
Hope for the future
Renewed sense of confidence
Reduction in postpartum depression/anxiety
Greater sense of self
Increased self care routine/regimen
Confidence in motherhood
Body acceptance/love
Greater support network
Increased coping skills for stress
Renewed energy/motivation
Healthy work/life balance
Better communication/relationship with spouse