Bundled Services

Therapy & Nutrition Counseling

Shine $720

3 Therapy Sessions + 3 Nutrition Sessions

Save 20% with this comprehensive six-week program alternating between weekly therapy and nutrition sessions. Choose a therapy and nutrition focus, or just come ready to work on aligning your overall health. A great program to develop realistic lifestyle goals to benefit your long-term wellness.

Sun $510

2 Therapy Sessions + 2 Nutrition Sessions

Save 15% with this four-week program that will set you up for a healthy future. Therapy and nutrition sessions alternate every other week for you to stay on track to your physical and mental health goals. A great option for a shorter time commitment. Additional sessions can always be added on.

Star $270

1 Therapy Session + 1 Nutrition Session

Save 10% with this two-week program designed to uncover your journey to health. This program is frequently paired with additional individual sessions as desired. If you’re feeling unsure but ready to get started, this is the perfect place to begin.

Please Note: Credit cards not accepted for bundled packages. We accept Zelle, cash or check payments. Bundles must be paid upfront. 

Book Bundled Services

Please fill out the form below to schedule bundled services. In the message body, please provide a bit about your health goals and what you would hope to get out of working with us. We look forward to connecting with you!

Therapy Session

$150 | 50 minutes

Nutrition Session

$150 | 50 minutes